File your Virginia State Tax Return

If you have a simple return, your federal return is FREE.

Streamline the process, file your federal and Virginia state tax return with ezTaxReturn saving time, ensuring accuracy and maximizing your refunds.


  • Preparation and e-file
  • Unlimited re-file for rejections
  • FREE downloads through May 15, $9.99 /download after May 15

State return


Federal + VA state tax return combo


If you don't qualify for a simple return,
the following prices apply:



State return


Federal + VA state tax return combo


Virginia State forms & schedules we support

  • 760CG: Individual Income Tax Return/Amended Return
  • Schedule A: Itemized Deductions
  • 760ADJ: Additions and Subtractions
  • Schedule FED/CG: Schedule C and 2106 Information
  • Schedule HCI/CG: Health Care Information Schedule
  • Schedule INC/CG: Income Statement
  • Schedule VAC: Contributions Schedule

Virginia State tax Refund FAQs

1. How soon will I receive my Virginia state tax refund?

Refunds are issued within 2 weeks for e-filed returns. For paper returns, processing times can take up to 8 weeks. Allow an additional 3 weeks processing time for tax returns mailed using Certified Mail.

2. Why was my refund taken to offset a debt?

Your refund will be withheld if you owe money for prior year taxes or a debt to another local government. This is called a debt offset. You will receive a letter in the mail explaining which debt was paid, how much of your refund was withheld, and the contact information of the agency. You will be mailed a check for any amount remaining from your refund.

3. Can I check my refund status over the phone?

The Virginia Department of Taxation gets millions of calls each year for refund status updates and there may be a long hold on the phone. You can call the automated phone line (804-367-2486). It is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. However, you are encouraged to use the online refund tool because it’s a quick and easy way to check the status.

4. How do I proceed if I receive a Refund Verification Letter?

If you receive a Refund Verification Letter, respond with the requested information right away. The fastest way to respond is online. Go to: Refund Verification (

  • Enter your Social Security Number or ITIN.
  • Enter the Correspondence ID from your letter.
  • Select the tax year.

Click on “Log In”.

Please note, only the following letters can be responded to online:

  • AUIN073A
  • AUIN073M
  • AUIN273A
  • AUIN373A
  • AUIN473A

You can also respond to the letter via mail or fax.


Virginia Department of Taxation
RAP Unit 1
P.O. Box 27003
Richmond, VA 23261-7003

(804) 344-8565

For additional questions, please call (804) 404-4185.

”Been using EZ for quite a few years without any problems. Instructions are clear and much easier than trying to figure it out on your own. Much recommended!”

Fred M

”Easy step-by-step instructions. It does everything for you! Great product!”

William J