File your Maine State Tax Return

If you have a simple return, your federal return is FREE.

Streamline the process, file your federal and Maine state tax return with ezTaxReturn saving time, ensuring accuracy and maximizing your refunds.


  • Preparation and e-file
  • Unlimited re-file for rejections
  • FREE downloads through May 15, $9.99 /download after May 15

State return


Federal + ME state tax return combo


If you don't qualify for a simple return,
the following prices apply:



State return


Federal + ME state tax return combo


Maine State forms & schedules we support

  • 1040ME 1040: Individual Income Tax Form
  • Schedule A: Adjustments to Tax
  • Schedule 1A: Income Addition Modifications
  • Schedule 1S: Income Subtraction Modifications
  • Schedule 2: Itemized Deductions
  • Schedule CP: Charitable Contributions and Purchase of Park Passes
  • Schedule PTFC/STFC: Property Tax Fairness Credit/Sales Tax Fairness Credit



”The instructions are clear and easy to follow. All possibilities are considered so you know a complete analysis is performed.”

Michael S

” Ez just like the name. I have used it for many years.”

David W