File your Louisiana State Tax Return

If you have a simple return, your federal return is FREE.

Streamline the process, file your federal and Louisiana state tax return with ezTaxReturn saving time, ensuring accuracy and maximizing your refunds.


  • Preparation and e-file
  • Unlimited re-file for rejections
  • FREE downloads through May 15, $9.99 /download after May 15

State return


Federal + LA state tax return combo


If you don't qualify for a simple return,
the following prices apply:



State return


Federal + LA state tax return combo


Louisiana State forms & schedules we support

  • IT-540: Resident Return/Amended Return
  • Schedule E: Adjustments
  • Schedule D: Donations
  • Schedule J: Nonrefundable Priority 3 Tax Credits
  • 62408: School Expense Deduction Worksheet
  • 62413: Refundable Child Care Credit Worksheet
  • 62414: Refundable School Readiness Credit Worksheet
  • 62415: Nonrefundable Child Care Credit Worksheet
  • 62416: Nonrefundable School Readiness Credit Worksheet
  • R-19000: Schedule A for Electric and Hybrid Vehicle Road Usage
  • R-6642: Refund Claim on Behalf of Deceased Taxpayer

Louisiana State tax Refund FAQs

1. How long does it take to process a Louisiana state tax return and refund?

The processing time for an e-filed return is up to 4 weeks. Paper returns take 8 weeks to process.

2. Why is my tax refund withheld?

If you owe any money to another government agency, The Louisiana Department of Revenue (LDR) will withhold your tax refund to pay your outstanding debt.

If this happens to you, you’ll receive a letter in the mail that explains the debt amount withheld from your refund.

3. How can I obtain a corrected refund check because my original check had a misspelling of my name?

If you can’t deposit your refund due to a misspelling, you should notify the Louisiana Department of Revenue (LDR).

How to request a corrected refund checkWhere to send

Mail a copy of your spelling correction request and include your:

  • Address
  • Phone Number
  • Copy of your driver’s license
*Do not include your social security number.
Mail your request to:

Louisiana Department of Revenue
P.O. Box 4998
Baton Rouge, LA

Send an email with your spelling correction request and include your:

  • Address
  • Phone Number
*Do not include your social security number.
Email your request to:

Call the Louisiana Department of Revenue (LDR) to correct the spelling of your name and have a refund re-issue.

  • (855) 307-3893

ezTaxReturn was EZ for me and my wife. Thank you!”

Don K

”Been using EZ for quite a few years without any problems. Instructions are clear and much easier than trying to figure it out on your own. Much recommended!”

Fred M