File your Iowa State Tax Return

If you have a simple return, your federal return is FREE.

Streamline the process, file your federal and Iowa state tax return with ezTaxReturn saving time, ensuring accuracy and maximizing your refunds.


  • Preparation and e-file
  • Unlimited re-file for rejections
  • FREE downloads through May 15, $9.99 /download after May 15

State return


Federal + IA state tax return combo


If you don't qualify for a simple return,
the following prices apply:



State return


Federal + IA state tax return combo


Iowa State forms & schedules we support

  • IA 1040: Individual Income Tax Return
  • IA 102: Amended Return Schedule



” ezTaxReturn did a great job for me. It was very easy and spelled out. I was able to do most of it on my cell phone and it went very quickly. I got a great refund and am very happy with ezTaxReturn! They were also extremely inexpensive!”

Kyle C

” I found ezTaxReturn to be efficient and thorough. I had and have no complaints . Great job.”

Alegna C