Hobbies That Can Earn You Cash on the Side
The thing about hobbies is that they are what you do for fun outside of work; you're not usually supposed to earn money from them. But who wouldn't mind extra cash in their pocket? Here is a brief list of hobbies that could be monetized. Music If you play music of any kind,...
3 Stimulus Notices You Need to Keep for Your Taxes
Millions of Americans will soon be receiving notices from the IRS regarding the stimulus payments they received in 2021. Most people won’t need to contact the IRS or take any further action. Simply keep the documents with the rest of your tax forms until you’re ready to file…you...
Will the Child Tax Credit Payments Affect Your 2022 Taxes?
Since July, millions of families have been receiving advance monthly payments of the Child Tax Credit. The payments are worth up to $300 per child, depending on their age. Some families have been using the extra cash to help with childcare, buy groceries, pay rent or catch up on...
7 Tips to Save Money on Your Holiday Shopping
Between gifts, decorations and holiday travel, your wallet can take a real beating at the end of the year. According to the National Retail Federation, consumers plan to spend around $997 this holiday season. Whether they can actually afford to drop that kind of cash is...
How to Have Your Best Financial Year Ever
The pandemic has made the last few years rough for a lot of people. But 2022 can be different. The new year is your chance to hit the reset button and feel good about your finances again. Use these tips to put yourself in a position to have your best financial year ever. Create...
Why Was My Credit Card Declined?
Having your credit card declined in public can be incredibly embarrassing, especially if you don’t have a backup card handy. It feels like all eyes are on you and you can’t get away fast enough. If your card is declined, the best thing to do is call the issuer immediately to find...
Will the 2022 Tax Filing Season Be Normal?
Because of the pandemic, the last two tax seasons have been anything but normal. Stimulus payments were haphazard and confusing, there were numerous tax law changes, the filing deadline was extended, and millions of taxpayers experienced refund delays. To make matters worse,...
Fun Ways to Celebrate Halloween at Home
Until COVID-19 is behind us, the safest way to celebrate the holidays is virtually or with people you live with. Although Halloween may look a bit different than you’re used to, you can still have a scary good time. Here are some fun ways to celebrate Halloween at home. Put...