9 Practical Ways to Save More Money
You don’t have to wait until you make more money or pay off debt to start saving. All you need is a plan. Once you start making small changes to your budget, you may be surprised by how quickly the savings add up. Here are some simple things you can do save more...
How to cope with the rising cost of living
Everything seems to be so much more expensive now. Housing, food, car and gas prices are rising; and people are struggling to keep up. While you can’t control the increase in prices, there are things you can do to ease the burden. Review your budget It’s one thing to have a hunch...
5 Ways You’re Wasting Money and How to Stop
No one has flawless spending habits. As much as we’d like to think we have our finances under control, even the most budget-conscious person overspends sometimes. Here are some ways you may be wasting money and how to stop. Forgetting to cancel a free trial Free trials are a...
5 Easy Ways Your Family Can Save on Summer Entertaining
Do you look forward to summer each year, but feel anxious about increased expenses while the kids are out of school. Do you want your family to have a memorable summer, but don't want to empty your bank account in the process? There are easy ways to reduce your spending and yet...
9 Tips for Throwing a Great Summer BBQ
Now that the warm weather has finally arrived, it’s time to fire up the grill and get the gang together. Whether you're entertaining 10 guests or 20, you want to make sure everyone has a great time. Here are our tips for giving your guests an unforgettable experience at your next...
Tax Tips for Students With a Summer Job
Getting your first summer job is a rite of passage for many teenagers. It’s your chance to build your resume, get a taste of independence and most importantly, make your own money. But don’t be surprised if your hourly wage doesn’t match your take home pay. Most employers deduct...
8 Ways to Save on Summer Travel
Summer is the perfect time to take a fun-filled vacation but traveling during the peak season won’t come cheap. According to CheapAir.com, July is the most expensive month to travel this summer. Whether you’re planning an island getaway or a big city adventure, there are ways to...
How to Keep the Bugs Away All Summer Long
As much as we love the warm weather that summer brings, we can do without the pesky bugs. They land on your food while you’re trying to eat, bite you when you’re not paying attention and buzz around your room when you’re trying to sleep. Although bugs help the environment...