Why You Should File Your Taxes Right Now
Some things can wait. With that said, you're probably putting off doing your taxes as you're reading this. But why wait to do something that can be fast and ez? With ezTaxReturn.com, you can file on any device in just under 30 minutes. Yes, you can grab your phone and do it from...
4 Reasons to Do Your Taxes With Online Software
Say bye to your tax professional! It’s fast and ez to file taxes from the comfort of your own home and save money. Here’s 4 reasons to switch to an online tax software.
5 Common Tax Mistakes New Homeowners Make
Becoming a homeowner is an exciting time in your life. No more living with your parents or writing checks to a landlord for a place you’ll never own. This place is all yours and it comes with numerous tax benefits. However, claiming all the credits and deductions you qualify for...
Increase Your Tax Refund With One Simple Adjustment
So far, over 35 million people have received a tax refund this year, but not everyone has been so lucky. If you owed money or your refund was smaller than anticipated, there’s an easy way to avoid the same fate next year. All you have to do is submit an updated Form W-4,...
What’s New for the 2023 Filing Season
Brace yourself, there are big changes coming your way this tax season. Many of the generous pandemic benefits have expired, so you may see a smaller refund when you file in 2023. But don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. ezTaxReturn gathered the key details so you can continue to...
Best Ways to Lower Your Tax Bill
It’s time to start thinking about your taxes. With some careful planning, you can take advantage of money-saving tax breaks you may otherwise miss. ezTaxReturn automatically prompts you to maximize your credits and deductions when you file with them, but it's still a good idea to...
You Paid but Did You Finish E-filing?
Have you paid for the use of our DIY tax filing software? If yes, please WAIT! It’s not the finish line. You are almost there, but you still have to e-file your return! Many people make the mistake of quitting the program too early. Once they submit a payment and can access their...
Why Is My Tax Refund Taking So Long?
Millions of people look forward to getting a tax refund at tax time. It’s their chance to pay down debt, catch up on bills or treat themselves to something nice. While most tax refunds are issued within 21 days, there are things that can delay your tax refund. Therefore, it’s a...