10 Last-Minute Tax Deductions You Don’t Want to Miss

The information in this article is up to date for tax year 2024 (returns filed in 2025). Do you want to save money on your tax return? Well, then don't miss out on valuable tax deductions. Using tax...

Made a Tax Mistake? Amend Your Return

The information in this article is up to date for tax year 2024 (returns filed in 2025). Did you notice a mistake on your taxes after you filed? Depending on your situation, you may have to amend...

10 Effective Ways to Reduce Taxable Income

The information in this article is up to date for tax year 2024 (returns filed in 2025). Want to know how to reduce taxable income? You’ve come to the right place. This article will reveal ten...

Filing Taxes as a 1099 Independent Contractor: A Quick Guide

The information in this article is up to date for tax year 2024 (returns filed in 2025). Filing taxes as a 1099 independent contractor involves handling your own income and self-employment taxes. In...

Tax Benefits for People with Disabilities

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), around 1 in 4 adults in the U.S. live with a disability, and many face increased medical and daily living expenses. Fortunately,...
¿Son deducibles de impuestos los gastos médicos?

¿Son deducibles de impuestos los gastos médicos?

Una visita inesperada al médico puede desequilibrar tu presupuesto.  Dependiendo de tu seguro, puedes llegar a pagar hasta $7,500 sólo por arreglar una pierna rota.  Ésa es la mala noticia. La buena noticia es que tus gastos médicos pueden ser deducibles en tu declaración de...

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5 consejos que te ayudaran a pagar tus facturas a tiempo

5 consejos que te ayudaran a pagar tus facturas a tiempo

Casi la mitad de los estadounidenses no pagan sus facturas a tiempo. El retrasarse con sus pagos puede dañar su puntaje de crédito y hacer que pague tasas de interés más altas. En lugar de poner excusas, necesita encontrar maneras de mejorar y tenemos algunos consejos que pueden...

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5 Tips to Help You Pay Your Bills on Time

5 Tips to Help You Pay Your Bills on Time

Nearly half of all Americans don’t pay their bills on time.  Making late payments can damage your credit score and cause you to pay higher interest rates.  Rather than make excuses, you need to find ways to do better and we have some tips that can help. Organize your bills...

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7 consejos para ahorrar dinero cuando viaja por carretera

7 consejos para ahorrar dinero cuando viaja por carretera

Hay muchas formas de viajar por el mundo, pero nada se compara con un buen viaje en carretera al estilo antiguo. Puedes moverte a tu propio ritmo, descubrir nuevos lugares y crear recuerdos inolvidables. Dependiendo del destino, también puede resultar mucho más económico que volar....

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7 Money-Saving Tips for a Cheap Road Trip

7 Money-Saving Tips for a Cheap Road Trip

There are many ways to travel the world but nothing beats a good old fashioned road trip.  You can move at your own pace, discover new sights and create some unforgettable memories.  Depending on the destination, it can also be a lot cheaper than flying.  Here’s how...

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¿Cuáles son las señales de alerta para una auditoría del IRS?

¿Cuáles son las señales de alerta para una auditoría del IRS?

Mucha gente ve al IRS como un monstruo grande y poderoso que puede embargarle el sueldo y sus bienes. La realidad es que las auditorías del IRS rara vez ocurren. De los 165.774.000 millones de declaraciones que se presentaron el año pasado, sólo el 0,38% fueron auditadas. La mejor...

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Weathering the Storm of A Recession

Weathering the Storm of A Recession

You've heard all about it in the news. An economic recession may be heading our way. What even is a recession? What should you be doing today to make sure you can ride out the economic storm tomorrow? A recession is a period of economic downturn that can be challenging for...

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Online Tax Filing
ezTaxReturn makes it fast, easy, and safe to do your taxes from the comfort of your own home. Millions of taxpayers have saved billions using ezTaxReturn for stress-free affordable tax filing and the guaranteed biggest possible refund since 1999. Qualifying taxpayers can file their federal return for FREE.

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Since 1999 ezTaxReturn has made it fast, easy and stress-free for millions of taxpayers to get the biggest possible refund. But don’t just take our word for it. Here are some of the thousands of quotes taken directly from our customers.