How to Save Money on Streaming Services

Streaming services have revolutionized how we consume entertainment, offering endless content at the click of a button. However, as the number of platforms grows, so do the subscription fees. If...

Which Budgeting Method Is Right for You?

Budgeting is a vital skill that helps you take control of your finances, avoid debt, and achieve long-term financial goals. Effective financial planning is essential for managing your money and...

How to Lower Property Taxes: A Homeowner’s Guide

Property tax bills are a significant part of owning a home. They can affect your monthly budget, especially when they rise unexpectedly. But the good news is, there are several ways to lower your...

Qualified Business Income: A Guide to the QBI Deduction

The information in this article is up to date for tax year 2024 (returns filed in 2025). Qualified business income (QBI) can lower your taxable income by 20%. This article explains what QBI is, who...

Gig Worker Taxes: What You Need to Know

The information in this article is up to date for tax year 2024 (returns filed in 2025). The gig economy has been growing rapidly, driven in part by a change in how people work and partly by an...
7 movimientos fiscales a realizar antes del año nuevo 

7 movimientos fiscales a realizar antes del año nuevo 

¿Puedes creer que 2023 está a punto de terminar? Antes de cerrar este año, hay algunos movimientos relacionados con los impuestos que debes hacer. Nuestros consejos pueden ayudarte a obtener una factura de impuestos más baja y dinero extra en tu bolsillo, si te mueves...

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5 maneras de aumentar tu reembolso de impuestos 

5 maneras de aumentar tu reembolso de impuestos 

¿Quieres aumentar tu reembolso de impuestos esta temporada? No estás solo. La mayoría de las personas quieren recuperar lo más posible, o al menos, no pagar más de lo necesario. La parte difícil es saber por dónde empezar. Afortunadamente, nos tienes de tu lado. Te ayudamos a...

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Here’s What You Can Do Now to Get Ready to File Taxes in 2024

Here’s What You Can Do Now to Get Ready to File Taxes in 2024

Now that the 2023 tax season is over, we’re looking ahead to next year. There are steps you can take now to make sure your tax filing experience goes smoothly in 2024. By organizing your financial documents and keeping track of deductible expenses, you can save yourself time and...

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8 Life Events That Have a Major Impact on Your Taxes

8 Life Events That Have a Major Impact on Your Taxes

Going to college, having a baby and buying your first home are all huge milestones. You may not realize it but some of the events that take place in your personal life can completely change your tax situation. Each life changing event can open the door to new tax breaks or...

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Consejos fiscales para parejas recién casadas

Consejos fiscales para parejas recién casadas

Dejar la soltería para unirte a las filas de parejas casadas cambia drásticamente tu vida. Afecta tu situación de vivienda, tus finanzas e incluso tus impuestos. Si te casaste antes del 31 de diciembre, para efectos fiscales, se te considera casado durante todo el año. Esto es lo...

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Recordatorios de fin de año para IRA

Recordatorios de fin de año para IRA

A medida que llegamos al final del 2023, tenemos algunos recordatorios de fin de año para aquellos que ya tienen una Cuenta Individual de Jubilación (IRA) o planean abrir una pronto. Ten en cuenta los límites de contribución y deducción Este año puedes contribuir hasta $6,500...

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Online Tax Filing
ezTaxReturn makes it fast, easy, and safe to do your taxes from the comfort of your own home. Millions of taxpayers have saved billions using ezTaxReturn for stress-free affordable tax filing and the guaranteed biggest possible refund since 1999. Qualifying taxpayers can file their federal return for FREE.

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Since 1999 ezTaxReturn has made it fast, easy and stress-free for millions of taxpayers to get the biggest possible refund. But don’t just take our word for it. Here are some of the thousands of quotes taken directly from our customers.