What are Tax Write Offs and How Can They Help You?

The information in this article is up to date for tax year 2024 (returns filed in 2025). Want to know what are tax write offs and how they work to save you money? Tax write-offs, also known as tax...

IRA vs. 401(k): What’s the Difference?

Retirement investing has significant tax benefits and financial implications now and in the future. That’s why it’s important to understand your options.  IRAs and 401(k)s are popular...

Do You Have to Pay Taxes on Sports Betting?

Are you betting on the Super Bowl this year? If so, you're not alone. Sports betting is now legal in 38 states plus Washington D.C., and with the rise of legal sports betting sweeping the nation,...

HSA vs. FSA: Which Offers the Best Tax Advantages?

FSAs and HSAs are tax-advantaged accounts that offer savings on health costs. Each works a little differently, with pros and cons, and has varying eligibility requirements.  Below, we’ll break...

How to Save Money When Online Grocery Shopping

A good alternative to wandering the aisles at your local supermarket is to buy your groceries online. While you do have to be mindful of delivery fees and slightly higher prices, online grocery...
Los mejores créditos y deducciones fiscales para ahorrar dinero

Los mejores créditos y deducciones fiscales para ahorrar dinero

La información en este artículo está actualizada para el año fiscal 2023 (declaraciones presentadas en 2024).  ¿Quieres ahorrar mucho dinero en tus impuestos? Tomarte un tiempo para familiarizarte con los créditos y deducciones fiscales disponibles puede ayudarte a ahorrar...

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¿Cuáles son las multas e intereses por declarar impuestos tarde?

¿Cuáles son las multas e intereses por declarar impuestos tarde?

La información en este artículo está actualizada para el año fiscal 2023 (declaraciones presentadas en 2024). El plazo extendido de la fecha límite para declarar impuestos se acerca rápidamente. Si aún no has presentado tus impuestos, todavía tienes tiempo. Pero ¿qué sucede si...

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7 maneras de pagar tu factura de impuestos

7 maneras de pagar tu factura de impuestos

La información en este artículo está actualizada para el año fiscal 2023 (declaraciones presentadas en 2024).  El Día de Impuestos está a la vuelta de la esquina. Y aunque la mayoría de los contribuyentes reciben un reembolso, si perteneces al pequeño grupo de personas que...

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3 Common Home Improvements That Qualify for Tax Deductions

3 Common Home Improvements That Qualify for Tax Deductions

The information in this article is up to date for tax year 2023 (returns filed in 2024). As a homeowner you probably have a never-ending list of things you’d like to do to your home. Maybe you want to add a pool to your backyard, update the bathroom or design the ultimate man cave...

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Learn How to Protect Yourself From Scammers Posing as the IRS

Learn How to Protect Yourself From Scammers Posing as the IRS

The information in this article is up to date for tax year 2023 (returns filed in 2024). Crooks are always looking for new ways to scam unsuspecting taxpayers. Scammers impersonate the IRS by phone or email, in person, or by mail or delivery service – and cost people their time and...

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Online Tax Filing
ezTaxReturn makes it fast, easy, and safe to do your taxes from the comfort of your own home. Millions of taxpayers have saved billions using ezTaxReturn for stress-free affordable tax filing and the guaranteed biggest possible refund since 1999. Qualifying taxpayers can file their federal return for FREE.

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