7 Tax Tips That Could Save You Money on Your Taxes

The information in this article is up to date for tax year 2025 (returns filed in 2026). Looking to save money on your taxes? This article offers seven expert tax tips to help you cut your tax bill....

¿Son imponibles las propinas? Guía para declarar las propinas

The information in this article is up to date for tax year 2024 (returns filed in 2025). Starting out as a new waiter or waitress can be exciting, but one question that’s bound to come up is, "Are...

Missing Your W-2 Form? Here’s What to Do

The information in this article is up to date for tax year 2024 (returns filed in 2025). Tax season is here, and if you’re looking to file your taxes and claim your refund, you’re probably eager to...

What is the Saver’s Credit?

The information in this article is up to date for tax year 2024 (returns filed in 2025). If you're looking to save for retirement or just trying to boost your financial wellness, you might have...

3 Ridículos planes para hacerse rico rápidamente en los que la gente sigue cayendo

Todo el mundo sabe que si algo suena demasiado bueno para ser verdad, probablemente lo sea, pero eso no impide que la gente pruebe suerte de todos modos. La oportunidad de ganar mucho dinero con el mínimo esfuerzo es...
Cómo tener el mejor año de tu vida en 5 sencillos pasos

Cómo tener el mejor año de tu vida en 5 sencillos pasos

At the start of the year, there are always a bunch of “New Year, New Me” memes floating around on social media.  Everyone likes to claim that they're going to start chasing their dreams and living their best life once the ball drops.  However, most of us usually lose motivation and...

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How to Date While in Debt

How to Date While in Debt

Dating is hard in general but it’s even worse when you’re drowning in debt.  Some people believe you have to pull out all the stops and spend big bucks to be considered a good catch.  But what happens if you don’t have much cash to spare?  Relax, you’re not destined to be alone...

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Sneaky Ways Your Clutter Is Costing You Money

Sneaky Ways Your Clutter Is Costing You Money

There are a million ways you can ruin your budget.  Whether it's your morning coffee run or some other impulse purchase, we all have habits that slowly drain our bank account.  However, the last thing you'd probably consider to be a culprit is your clutter, but for many people it...

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Productive Ways to Use Your Free Time

Productive Ways to Use Your Free Time

Normally when people have free time, most of it is spent watching TV.  We grab a snack, a comfy spot on the couch and start binge-watching episodes of our favorite show until we pass out.  While this is completely fine for someone just looking to relax, there are some people who...

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5 Ways to Lower Your Cable Bill

5 Ways to Lower Your Cable Bill

Cable prices are starting to get out of hand.  The average bill is around $100 per month and continuing to rise.  Even if the rate only jumps a small percentage, eventually those increases can start to hurt your wallet.  Luckily, there are things you can do to tame the bill.  Here...

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How to Dispute a Parking Ticket

How to Dispute a Parking Ticket

There's nothing more frustrating than finding a parking ticket on your windshield when you 'were sure' you parked legally.  The good news is you can try to right the wrong.  Here’s a strategy you can use to dispute a parking ticket.   Read the ticket carefully Even though...

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More Taxpayers Will Owe the IRS Next Year

More Taxpayers Will Owe the IRS Next Year

Get your checkbook ready, there’s a good chance you’ll owe the IRS in April.  A new report by the Government Accountability Office revealed that many employers are withholding too little under the new tax law.  So, while you’re enjoying a fatter paycheck now, you may be in for a...

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¿Cómo puedo ganar dinero en Internet?

¿Cómo puedo ganar dinero en Internet?

Looking to make some extra cash?  Nearly 4 million people make a living working from home, and now you can too.  The Internet is full of online gigs, some legit, others not so much.  To avoid being duped, keep an eye out for red flags.  If the job description is vague, sounds too...

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Declaración de impuestos en línea
ezTaxReturn hace que sea rápido, fácil y seguro hacer sus impuestos desde la comodidad de su propia casa. Millones de contribuyentes han ahorrado miles de millones utilizando ezTaxReturn para la presentación de impuestos asequibles sin estrés y la garantía de reembolso más grande posible desde 1999. Los contribuyentes que califiquen pueden presentar su declaración federal GRATIS.

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Desde 1999 ezTaxReturn ha hecho que sea rápido, fácil y sin estrés para millones de contribuyentes obtener el mayor reembolso posible. Pero no se fíe sólo de nuestra palabra. Aquí están algunas de las miles de citas tomadas directamente de nuestros clientes.