7 Tax Tips That Could Save You Money on Your Taxes

The information in this article is up to date for tax year 2025 (returns filed in 2026). Looking to save money on your taxes? This article offers seven expert tax tips to help you cut your tax bill....

¿Son imponibles las propinas? Guía para declarar las propinas

The information in this article is up to date for tax year 2024 (returns filed in 2025). Starting out as a new waiter or waitress can be exciting, but one question that’s bound to come up is, "Are...

Missing Your W-2 Form? Here’s What to Do

The information in this article is up to date for tax year 2024 (returns filed in 2025). Tax season is here, and if you’re looking to file your taxes and claim your refund, you’re probably eager to...

What is the Saver’s Credit?

The information in this article is up to date for tax year 2024 (returns filed in 2025). If you're looking to save for retirement or just trying to boost your financial wellness, you might have...

3 Ridículos planes para hacerse rico rápidamente en los que la gente sigue cayendo

Todo el mundo sabe que si algo suena demasiado bueno para ser verdad, probablemente lo sea, pero eso no impide que la gente pruebe suerte de todos modos. La oportunidad de ganar mucho dinero con el mínimo esfuerzo es...
¿Qué deducciones fiscales ya no están disponibles?

¿Qué deducciones fiscales ya no están disponibles?

Thanks to the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA), you can expect big changes when you file your tax return. The standard deduction has been increased and some itemized deductions have been eliminated or reduced.  As a result, it’s anticipated that fewer taxpayers will itemize their...

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How to Achieve Better Work-Life Balance

How to Achieve Better Work-Life Balance

Striking the perfect balance between your personal and professional life can be difficult.  Many think to be successful in one, the other must suffer.  Technology has made workers more accessible and it’s no longer taboo to receive calls, texts and emails from your employer after...

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7 Simple Tricks to Get the Best Price Online

7 Simple Tricks to Get the Best Price Online

You may not realize it but the device you're using to shop online affects the price you see.  Reports show that retailers tend to steer Mac users toward higher-priced options because it's believed that they have more cash to spare.  The good news is there are some strategies you can...

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How to Get Organized for Tax Season

How to Get Organized for Tax Season

How to Organize for Tax Season One of the best ways to reduce tax time stress is to get organized for the tax season ahead of time. Organizing your documents in advance will help make doing your taxes smoother and easier. Here’s how to get ready. Keep last year’s tax return handy....

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The Best Jobs for People Who Love to Travel

The Best Jobs for People Who Love to Travel

Sitting in a cubicle day after day isn't for everyone.  If you have a burning desire to travel the world, skip the traditional 9-5 and choose a job that will have you globetrotting instead.  Here are the best jobs for people who love to travel.   Athletic recruiter Do you know...

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How to Realistically Become a Millionaire

How to Realistically Become a Millionaire

Many people foolishly believe that the only way they’ll become a millionaire is if they hit the lottery.  However, you need to put your dollar and a dream to better use.  Instead of gambling your money away, use some tried and true methods to become a millionaire.   Choose a...

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6 razones por las que las mascotas son buenas para la salud

6 razones por las que las mascotas son buenas para la salud

Want to improve your health?  Consider adding a pet to your family.  Pets provide unconditional love and are known to help lower blood pressure and reduce depression.  The list of health benefits doesn't stop there.  Here are some other ways pets are good for your health.  ...

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5 Ways to Cut Your Heating Costs This Winter

5 Ways to Cut Your Heating Costs This Winter

Now that the outdoor temperatures have begun to fall, it’s going to cost a bit more to keep your home nice and toasty.  Although it’s an expense many of us have come to expect, it doesn’t mean we're willing to go broke trying to stay warm.  Here are some tips to cut your heating...

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Declaración de impuestos en línea
ezTaxReturn hace que sea rápido, fácil y seguro hacer sus impuestos desde la comodidad de su propia casa. Millones de contribuyentes han ahorrado miles de millones utilizando ezTaxReturn para la presentación de impuestos asequibles sin estrés y la garantía de reembolso más grande posible desde 1999. Los contribuyentes que califiquen pueden presentar su declaración federal GRATIS.

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Desde 1999 ezTaxReturn ha hecho que sea rápido, fácil y sin estrés para millones de contribuyentes obtener el mayor reembolso posible. Pero no se fíe sólo de nuestra palabra. Aquí están algunas de las miles de citas tomadas directamente de nuestros clientes.