7 Tax Tips That Could Save You Money on Your Taxes

The information in this article is up to date for tax year 2025 (returns filed in 2026). Looking to save money on your taxes? This article offers seven expert tax tips to help you cut your tax bill....

¿Son imponibles las propinas? Guía para declarar las propinas

The information in this article is up to date for tax year 2024 (returns filed in 2025). Starting out as a new waiter or waitress can be exciting, but one question that’s bound to come up is, "Are...

Missing Your W-2 Form? Here’s What to Do

The information in this article is up to date for tax year 2024 (returns filed in 2025). Tax season is here, and if you’re looking to file your taxes and claim your refund, you’re probably eager to...

What is the Saver’s Credit?

The information in this article is up to date for tax year 2024 (returns filed in 2025). If you're looking to save for retirement or just trying to boost your financial wellness, you might have...

3 Ridículos planes para hacerse rico rápidamente en los que la gente sigue cayendo

Todo el mundo sabe que si algo suena demasiado bueno para ser verdad, probablemente lo sea, pero eso no impide que la gente pruebe suerte de todos modos. La oportunidad de ganar mucho dinero con el mínimo esfuerzo es...
Online Shopping Tricks That Save Big Bucks

Online Shopping Tricks That Save Big Bucks

Do you shop online?  If you’re like most shoppers, the answer's probably yes.  According to BigCommerce, 96% of Americans shop online.  Not only is it fast and convenient, retailers are making it easier than ever to score a great deal.  But don’t just take our word for it, give...

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5 Biggest Thanksgiving Dinner Mistakes & How to Fix Them

5 Biggest Thanksgiving Dinner Mistakes & How to Fix Them

Ah, Thanksgiving.  It’s a day many people look forward to because we get to combine our two greatest loves; family and food.  However, nothing kills the mood faster than realizing the items on your plate don’t taste half as good as it looked.  Whether you’re hosting your first...

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8 Ways to Cut the Cost of Christmas Gifts

8 Ways to Cut the Cost of Christmas Gifts

Christmas is the most expensive time of the year for most families, with Christmas gifts accounting for a large percentage of the Christmas budget. With the cost of living continuing to rise, many families are looking for ways to reduce the financial pressures of the festive season....

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6 objetos cotidianos más sucios que el asiento del váter

6 objetos cotidianos más sucios que el asiento del váter

Take a quick stroll into a public restroom and you already know how dirty toilets can be.  But how’d you feel if we told you that some of the things you touch daily have even more germs?  Unfortunately, we’re not pulling your leg.  Keep reading to see which 6 everyday items are...

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4 Signs You Have an Unhealthy Relationship with Money

4 Signs You Have an Unhealthy Relationship with Money

Believe it or not, you can earn a six-figure salary and still be broke.  In fact, you can earn all the money in the world and still find a way to blow it, if you don’t have good financial habits.  We all know you’re supposed to pay your bills on time, keep your spending to a minimum...

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¿Qué método presupuestario le conviene?

¿Qué método presupuestario le conviene?

Finding the right budgeting method for you can make it a lot easier to achieve your financial goals.  Ideally, you want a plan that's easy to follow and doesn't feel like torture.  Keep in mind that what works for your best friend, may not work for you so test drive a few different...

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12 maneras de ahorrar a lo grande en tus gastos mensuales

12 maneras de ahorrar a lo grande en tus gastos mensuales

Need more wiggle room in your budget?  One of the best ways to spend less money is to reduce your monthly expenses.  Trim a bill here, another over there and before you know it the savings are piling up.  Here are some ways to save on your monthly expenses.   Find cheap gas in...

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How to Avoid the Most-Hated Airline Fees

How to Avoid the Most-Hated Airline Fees

These days airlines advertise low fares, then nickel and dime you for everything else.  In 2018, U.S. airlines raked in nearly $5 billion from baggage fees alone.  This year they're on track to make even more money. Don’t let annoying airline fees ruin your travel budget, use our...

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Declaración de impuestos en línea
ezTaxReturn hace que sea rápido, fácil y seguro hacer sus impuestos desde la comodidad de su propia casa. Millones de contribuyentes han ahorrado miles de millones utilizando ezTaxReturn para la presentación de impuestos asequibles sin estrés y la garantía de reembolso más grande posible desde 1999. Los contribuyentes que califiquen pueden presentar su declaración federal GRATIS.

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Desde 1999 ezTaxReturn ha hecho que sea rápido, fácil y sin estrés para millones de contribuyentes obtener el mayor reembolso posible. Pero no se fíe sólo de nuestra palabra. Aquí están algunas de las miles de citas tomadas directamente de nuestros clientes.