4 maneras en que las subidas de los tipos de interés pueden afectar a su gasto
It feels like everything costs more these days – housing, food, gas, all the essentials. Part of the problem is inflation. To try to get it under control, the Federal Reserve has hiked interest rates four times this year and more increases are expected to come. The idea is that...
Rebajas fiscales del Estado de Illinois en 2022
Fuente: Departamento de Hacienda de Illinois Presente sus impuestos de forma rápida y sencilla en 30 minutos o menos.
Los padres pueden aumentar su presupuesto para la vuelta al cole solicitando créditos fiscales y devoluciones
Summer is slipping away and another school year is starting. As kids head back to the classroom, parents are ticking items off the school supply list. If they want to boost their back-to-school budgets, parents and guardians should make sure they aren’t missing out on their 2021...
No espere hasta el 17 de octubre para presentar su declaración de impuestos de 2021
For people who requested an IRS extension to file, the October 17, 2022, deadline may seem far away, but it's coming up fast. Taxpayers who haven't filed, whether they requested an extension or not, should file a complete and accurate return as soon as possible. For people who have...
Hacienda devolverá 1.200 millones en multas el próximo mes
WASHINGTON ̶ To help struggling taxpayers affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, the Internal Revenue Service today issued Notice 2022-36, which provides penalty relief to most people and businesses who file certain 2019 or 2020 returns late. The IRS is also taking an additional step...
2021 declarantes de prórroga fiscal, no pasen por alto estas importantes ventajas fiscales
WASHINGTON — The Internal Revenue Service reminds taxpayers who’ve yet to file their 2021 federal income tax return to make sure they take advantage of the deductions and credits for which they’re entitled and to file electronically as soon as possible. “Each year, eligible...
Concurso 2022
ezTaxReturn.com “Share Your Story” Contest (“Contest”) OFFICIAL RULES NO PURCHASE NECESSARY TO ENTER OR WIN. A PURCHASE WILL NOT INCREASE YOUR CHANCES OF WINNING. SPONSOR: This Contest is sponsored by ezTaxReturn.com, 111 Town Square Place, Suite 1203, Jersey City, NJ 07310...
Programas gubernamentales de ayuda a familias con bajos ingresos
The U.S. Census Bureau reported that in 2020, 37 million Americans lived in poverty. If you’re struggling financially, the government has assistance programs that can reduce the cost of food, health care and other basic needs. Each program has its own set of requirements...