5 Tips to Help You Pay Your Bills on Time

5 Tips to Help You Pay Your Bills on Time

Nearly half of all Americans don’t pay their bills on time.  Making late payments can damage your credit score and cause you to pay higher interest rates.  Rather than make excuses, you need to find ways to do better and we have some tips that can help....
Weathering the Storm of A Recession

Weathering the Storm of A Recession

You’ve heard all about it in the news. An economic recession may be heading our way. What even is a recession? What should you be doing today to make sure you can ride out the economic storm tomorrow? A recession is a period of economic downturn that can be...
7 Smart Ways to Spend Your Tax Refund

7 Smart Ways to Spend Your Tax Refund

Assuming you’re like most taxpayers, you’ll be getting a refund in the neighborhood of $2,000 soon. And tempting as it may be to spend it all at once, you’ll be better off taking time to think about where you want your money to go.  Spending your tax refund wisely can...
6 Smart Ways to Spend Your Tax Refund

6 Smart Ways to Spend Your Tax Refund

If you are like most people, you are expecting a hefty tax refund from the IRS. With the average refund being thousands of dollars, there will soon be a lot of money sloshing around the economy. If you are one of those lucky taxpayers, you are probably already...