Common Bank Fees You Shouldn’t Be Paying

Common Bank Fees You Shouldn’t Be Paying

Paying an occasional overdraft or out-of-network fee may not seem like a big deal, but it can cost you a small fortune over time.  The good news is that with some strategic planning most bank fees can be avoided.  Here are some common bank fees you shouldn’t be...
7 Hidden Costs That Ruin Your Travel Budget

7 Hidden Costs That Ruin Your Travel Budget

After being stuck at home the last couple summers due to the pandemic, many people are excited to finally start traveling again.  If you’re planning a trip in the coming months, you probably know to budget for hotel, airfare, activities, and food; but there are some...
5 Habits That Weaken Your Immune System

5 Habits That Weaken Your Immune System

Your daily habits play a huge role in how your immune system functions.  Ideally, you want to incorporate fruits and vegetables into your diet, exercise regularly and minimize stress.  Washing your hands often also helps you stay germ-free.  If you find yourself...