Having your credit card declined in public can be incredibly embarrassing, especially if you don’t have a backup card handy. It feels like all eyes are on you and you can’t get away fast enough. If your card is declined, the best thing to do is call the issuer...
Because of the pandemic, the last two tax seasons have been anything but normal. Stimulus payments were haphazard and confusing, there were numerous tax law changes, the filing deadline was extended, and millions of taxpayers experienced refund delays. To make...
Until COVID-19 is behind us, the safest way to celebrate the holidays is virtually or with people you live with. Although Halloween may look a bit different than you’re used to, you can still have a scary good time. Here are some fun ways to celebrate Halloween at...
Whether you believe it or not, some highways and byways in the U.S. have a reputation for being haunted by ghosts, UFOs and phantom hitchhikers. If you’re looking for a spooky road trip, then look no further. Taking a late-night drive on one of these roadways is...
Millions of parents will be receiving advance monthly payments of the child tax credit through the end of the year. Eligible families will receive $300 per child aged 5 or younger and $250 per child aged 6 – 17. How the money is spent is completely up to you. So,...
ezTaxReturn makes it fast, easy, and safe to do your taxes from the comfort of your own home. Millions of taxpayers have saved billions using ezTaxReturn for stress-free affordable tax filing and the guaranteed biggest possible refund since 1999. Qualifying taxpayers can file their federal return for FREE.
Since 1999 ezTaxReturn has made it fast, easy and stress-free for millions of taxpayers to get the biggest possible refund. But don’t just take our word for it. Here are some of the thousands of quotes taken directly from our customers.