by Naveed Lodhi | Oct 28, 2020 | General Discussion
With an ongoing pandemic and the flu season just around the corner, it’s no wonder people are reluctant to use cash in stores. There are better ways to pay your bill than by trading germs with store clerks by passing cash back-and-forth. Enter mobile payment...
by Naveed Lodhi | Oct 21, 2020 | General Discussion
When you have fitness goals, the holiday season can be your biggest enemy. The colder weather makes it harder to leave your warm, cozy home to hit the gym. Plus, you have Christmas shopping to do and dinner parties to attend. But all hope isn’t lost. With our...
by Naveed Lodhi | Oct 21, 2020 | General Discussion
With the holidays just around the corner, the party invites are about to start rolling in. Whether you’re personally invited or just a plus one, you need to bring a gift to thank the host for their hospitality. Here are some budget-friendly gift ideas that will...
by Naveed Lodhi | Sep 24, 2020 | General Discussion
It has never been easier to start an online business. The user-friendly tools and access to global traffic sources make entrepreneurship possible for people of all levels of experience. The online business world is highly competitive, though, so there are no...
by Naveed Lodhi | Aug 25, 2020 | General Discussion
Life never runs entirely smoothly. Even so, there are times when people get hit with more than their fair share of disappointments. When troubles seem to be mounting up, it can begin to feel like everything you touch goes wrong. Of course, going through a bad patch...
by Naveed Lodhi | Aug 25, 2020 | General Discussion
There are plenty of articles floating around the internet right now with tips about working from home. On top of the official guidance you get from your office, unofficial tips are scattered around like confetti on social media and news sites. Some of these strategies...