How to Stay Safe on the Roads This Winter

How to Stay Safe on the Roads This Winter

No matter how much experience you have, winter conditions can make driving tricky for everyone.  According to the Federal Highway Administration, over 116,800 people are inured in car accidents on snowy or icy roads annually.  Fortunately, there are things you can do...
The Most Common Ways Burglars Break In

The Most Common Ways Burglars Break In

A home burglary occurs every 16 seconds.  More than half of the victims have their place broken into again within a month of the first attack.  Find out the common ways burglars break in and what to do to keep your home safe.   Popular points of entry for home...
Who Are the Richest Superheroes?

Who Are the Richest Superheroes?

Almost every kid has dreamed of being a superhero growing up.  They have cool costumes, special powers and save the world from bad guys.  Some of our favorite superheroes are also filthy rich.  Keep reading to find out who are the richest superheroes and how they got...