by Naveed Lodhi | May 30, 2018 | Saving Money
Even if you buy the most flawless house you can find, at some point repairs are going to be inevitable. Whether it’s a dead doorbell or creaky floorboard, something’s bound to fall apart due to normal daily use. Fortunately, many of the home improvement projects...
by Naveed Lodhi | May 30, 2018 | Tax Tips & Planning
Not too many people want to hear another peep about taxes once April’s over. But there’s a good reason to get a jump start on planning for next year. Many of the tax rules have changed and some money-saving maneuvers that have worked in the past, may no longer help...
by Naveed Lodhi | May 30, 2018 | Personal Finance
There are approximately 11 million millionaires in America and if you play your cards right, you can join the list. Our strategy doesn’t involve winning the lottery or marrying into money either. Anyone can build long-term wealth if they practice good financial...
by Naveed Lodhi | May 25, 2018 | Saving Money
When you’re living paycheck to paycheck, receiving a large or unexpected medical bill can be financially devastating. In fact, medical bills are one of the leading causes of personal bankruptcy. Don’t go broke trying to pay your medical bills. With a little time and...
by Naveed Lodhi | Apr 30, 2018 | Saving Money
As much as you may love your four-legged friend, you can admit they’re expensive. According to the ASPCA, the annual costs of owning a large dog or cat are $1,040 and $809, respectively. But there are some cases where it can cost a lot more. For instance,...