7 Tips to Save Money on Wine

7 Tips to Save Money on Wine

Nobody loves wine more than millennials do.  The Wine Market Council reports that they consume almost half of all wine in the United States.  Drinking can be an expensive habit if you do it often enough.  On average, a bottle of red wine costs $15.66, meanwhile a...
What Are the Hidden Costs of Home Ownership?

What Are the Hidden Costs of Home Ownership?

When it comes to buying a house, there are a lot more expenses involved than just the 20 percent down and monthly mortgage payment.  In fact, that’s just the tip of the iceberg.  According to Zillow, the average U.S. homeowner pays an extra $9,000 a year in hidden...
6 Places That Will Pay You to Live There

6 Places That Will Pay You to Live There

Some cities and states are so desperate for new faces that they’re offering all kinds of incentives to lure people in.  Take Vermont for instance.  The state recently passed a bill saying they’ll pay remote workers $10,000 to relocate there and work from home.  The...